Pavement Management Program


Cupertino, Various Locations

City or County Responsible for Project

City of Cupertino


Roads: Efficient and Sustainable Road Maintenance, Construction and Reconstruction Projects.


Roger Lee


City of Cupertino


10300 Torre Ave



Project Description

Cupertino’s street network consists of approximately 138 centerline miles and is one of the City’s most valued assets. Like many other Cities, Cupertino’s Pavement Maintenance funding decreased during challenging economic times. By 2013, the average PCI had declined to 64. With an improved economy, it became clear the City needed to invest in its aging street infrastructure, as deferring maintenance would only lead to more costly repairs in the future. As a result, the City Implemented an aggressive Pavement Management Program which set a performance measures to achieve a system wide PCI of 82 or greater. Between 2013 and 2018, the City repaired or maintained approximately 653 street segments, installed 900 curb ramps, replaced 9.6 miles of curb and gutter and repaired 37,467 square yards of concrete. Whenever possible projects included bicycle and pedestrian enhancements to encourage alternative modes of travel. To date the City has installed over 10 miles of high visibility green bike lanes. The program has proved to be a huge success! In 2018, with an average PCI of 85, Cupertino tied with two other Cities for the best street network the Bay Area. This is an impressive achievement for a city with an older street network. The City will now be able to maintain PCI at a lower cost as more money will be spent on timely and cost effective pavement preservation treatments rather than rehabilitation. Preventative treatments include crack seal and fog seal within 5 years of overlay and applications of slurry seal, micro surfacing, or chip seals and appropriately timed intervals. It is projected that the Pavement Management Program will be completely funded by non-discretionary revenues in the foreseeable future. Cupertino believes it is important to keep the community informed of upcoming street maintenance projects and educate the community on the value and importance of preventative maintenance. An interactive GIS story has been developed for that purpose. Residents may access the map online and view the current PCI of each street segment. A slide bar allows users to see how PCI has changed overtime. The application provides information on the basics of PCI and provides descriptions of various pavement distresses and treatment options. Users are also able to view details of current and planned pavement maintenance projects.