Trinity County Bridge Demonstration Project (5 Bridge Replacements delivered by D/B in 12 Months)


Trinity County

City or County Responsible for Project

Trinity County


Bridge: Efficient and Sustainable Bridge Maintenance, Construction and Reconstruction Projects


Rick Tippett, PE


Trinity County


PO Box 2490, 31301 State Highway 3, Weaverville, CA 96093



Project Description

TRINITY COUNTY BRIDGE DEMONSTRATION PROJECT (5 BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS DELIVERED BY DESIGN/BUILD IN 12 MONTHS) This is a bridge pilot project with FHWA’s Central Federal Lands Highway Division (CFLHD). Trinity County entered into an agreement with CFLHD to replace five county-owned bridges. These bridges were identified as structurally deficient or functionally obsolete, and have been approved by Caltrans and the FHWA, California Division Office for replacement under the FHWA Highway Bridge Program. The purpose of this Demonstration Project was to showcase streamlined Design/Build delivery of 5 bridges funded through the Highway Bridge Program through a peer-to-peer partnership with Every Day Counts (EDC) methods where possible between Federal, State and Local Agencies. Trinity County was looking for a way to accelerate project delivery, augment staff duties, and to be able to utilize Every Day Counts (EDC) design and construction methodologies. This project delivered using Design/Build, first time for HBP bridge replacements. Precast abutments and deck panels reduced construction duration to as little as 2 weeks per bridge. Trinity County, CFLHD, and Caltrans/FHWA CA Division Office teamed together to use design/build to delivery the 5 new bridges. Hired Design/Build team of RNR Construction and Dokken Engineering to design, construct and acquire necessary right of way. There have been numerous requests made to CFLHD and Caltrans for delivering projects using this program. The pilot project was successful. The pilot project daylighted issues and many of the solutions will factor into the future program. $8.7 Million Project Budget $7.9 Million Final Project Cost $0.8 Million SAVINGS (10%) There were no change orders, and the project was designed, right of way acquired and construction complete in 12 months Schedule: NEPA/CEQA in 8 months; Design, ROW, and Construction in 12 months. Trinity County, CFLHD, RNR and Dokken Engineering presented project summary and lessons learned to state-wide group of local agency, State and Federal employees.