66th Avenue Grade Separation


State Route 111 and Hammond Road

City or County Responsible for Project

Riverside County Transportation, UPRR


Bridge: Efficient and Sustainable Bridge Maintenance, Construction and Reconstruction Projects


Mark Lancaster


Riverside County Transportation


4080 Lemon St



Project Description

The 66th Avenue Grade Separation project consists of a new bridge crossing over State Route (SR) 111, Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) tracks, and Hammond Road including realignment of SR 111. Due to the projected regional population growth, the vehicular and train traffic is expected to increase and cause additional congestion and delays at 4th Street, SR 111, and Hammond Road. This project will provide uninterrupted access, improve goods and services movement in this region.
Duration: Started in May 2020 and scheduled to complete end of 2021.

Construction Costs: Estimate construction contract costs at near completion is $38 million.